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Remote Counselling Support

During regular school, FSLCs support student wellbeing and mental health with in-person counsellors. Just because classes have ended doesn’t mean students don’t still need that support. 

Our team continues to offer counselling; connecting and communicating with home, medical, and mental health agencies;  referrals to appropriate community agencies and resources as required; and crisis intervention and threat assessment. 

We’re now doing these things remotely.

To contact a counsellor, call the school and ask to be directed to a FSLC. You can also reach out directly by email. Our counsellor is available Monday-Thursday 8:30-3:30 and Friday 8:30-1:30.

Granum School 403-687-3734 | Karen Sparks - sparkesk@lrsd.ab.ca


FIND MORE INFORMATION at https://www.lrsd.ca/services/counselling.

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